Advanced Training
ICIQ has a strong commitment to offer training programmes for undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral researchers. We prepare a new generation of researchers with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle the most important challenges in chemical research. We are convinced that an integral education beyond chemistry is crucial to achieve outstanding research results and fruitful life achievements.
Training Programmes
The ICIQ Graduate Student Programme ICIQ’s PhD student programme is at the core of our commitment to education. We foster graduate students in their path to think, design and execute a research project under the supervision and mentoring of an ICIQ Group Leader. The programme targets highly qualified and talented graduate students with an enthusiastic interest in chemical research and has been successful in attracting students from all over the world.
In 2020 we launched three calls of our PhD Fellowship Programme. A total of 22 graduate students joined ICIQ through ICIQ’s fellowship programme. We also incorporated PhD students through other funding calls: 3 FI (AGAUR); 1 FPU (MECD); 2 Estancias breves FPU(MECD); 7 FPI (MICIU).

PhD theses defended in 2020
Date | Name | Thesis title | Supervisors |
24.01 | Abolfazl Ghaderian | Ruthenium Complexes as Molecular Water Oxidation Catalysts | Prof. Antoni Llobet / Dr. Carolina Gimbert |
13.02 | Rosie Somerville | Mechanisms of Ni-Catalysed C–O Functionalisation and Carboxylation Reactions | Prof. Rubén Martín |
14.02 | Ángel L. Mudarra Alonso | Coinage Metal Complexes in C-C and C-N Bond-Forming Reactions | Prof. Feliu Maseras / Dr. Mónica H. Pérez-Temprano |
20.02 | Marino Börjesson | Ni-Catalyzed Reductive Carboxylation Reactions with Carbon Dioxide | Prof. Rubén Martín |
21.02 | Jesús San José Orduna | Trapping Elusive Cp*CoIII Metallacycles: Implications in C–H Functionalization Processes | Dr. Mónica H. Pérez-Temprano |
08.05 | Konstantin Karajovič | Theoretical Study of Nickel Phosphide Ensembles for Selective Hydrogenation | Prof. Núria López |
28.05 | Lingjun Hu | Advancing C1 Catalysis by Spatiotemporal Analysis and Dynamic Operation | Prof. Atsushi Urakawa |
10.06 | Miguel Claros Casielles | Development of Visible-Light Photoredox Methodologies towards the Activation of Carbon-Halogen Bonds | Prof. Julio Lloret / Dr. Alicia Casitas |
12.06 | Imma Escofet | Computational Mechanistic Studies in Gold(I) Catalysis and Design of New Chiral Ligands | Prof. Antonio M. Echavarren |
22.06 | Giuseppe Zuccarello | Chiral Pyrrolidinyl-Biphenyl Phosphine Ligands in Gold(I) Catalysis | Prof. Antonio M. Echavarren |
08.07 | Nurtalya Alandini | 1,4-Dihydropyridines as Versatile Reagents in Photochemical Carbon-Carbon Bond-Forming Processes | Prof. Paolo Melchiorre |
09.07 | Pablo Bonilla | Combining Iminium Ion-Mediated Catalysis and Photochemistry to Develop Enantioselective Radical Processes | Prof. Paolo Melchiorre |
13.07 | Alicia Martínez Carrión | The Hydroformylation Reaction: from Covalent to Supramolecular Approaches and Operando Kinetic Studies | Prof. Anton Vidal |
16.07 | Guillem Peñuelas | Towards Recognition of Polar Molecules in Water Using Aryl-extended Calix[4]pyrrole Receptors | Prof. Pablo Ballester |
07.09 | Daniele Mazzarella | C-C and C-B Bond Forming Strategies Driven by the Photoexcitation of Organocatalytic Intermediates | Prof. Paolo Melchiorre |
02.10 | Daniel Bafaluy | New Strategies for C(sp3)-H Functionalization | Prof. Kilian Muñiz / Prof. Rubén Martín |
15.10 | Jianing Xie | Advancing Pd-catalyzed Stereoselective Allylic Substitution Reactions | Prof. Arjan. W. Kleij |
11.11 | Junshan Lai | Immobilization of 2,4-cis-Diarylprolinol Silyl Ethers, Isothioureas, SPINOL-Derived Phosphoric Acids and Their Application in the Catalytic Enantioselective Synthesis in Batch and Flow | Prof. Miquel À. Pericàs & Dr. Sonia Sayalero |
12.11 | Margherita Zanini | Transition Metal-Catalyzed Reactions of Heteroatom-Substituted Alkynes | Prof. Antonio M. Echavarren |
18.11 | Marco Mastandrea | Harnessing Visible Light for the Development of Novel Synthetic Strategies | Prof. Miquel À. Pericàs |
24.11 | Andreu Tortajada | Nickel-Catalyzed Reductive Carboxylation and Amidation of Organic Matter | Prof. Rubén Martín |
25.11 | Thomas L. Duhamel | Design of New C(sp3)-H Functionalization Through Halogen Catalysis | Prof. Kilian Muñiz / Prof. Rubén Martín |
09.12 | Federico Dattila | Theoretical Models for the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 on Copper Catalysts under Working Conditions | Prof. Núria López / Dr. Rodrigo A. García Muelas |
10.12 | Estefanía del Castillo | Applications of the Hofmann-Löffler Reaction for C-H Functionalization in Total Synthesis | Prof. Kilian Muñiz / Prof. Antonio M. Echavarren |
14.12 | Anastasia Tkacheva | Complex Anionic Halide Reagents as a Novel Useful Compound Class for Direct C-H Functionalizations: Studies Towards Aromatic Amination Reactions | Prof. Kilian Muñiz / Prof. Miquel À. Pericàs |
15.12 | Shang-Zheng Sun | Ni-Catalyzed Reductive Coupling Reactions to Forge sp3 Carbon Linkages | Prof. Rubén Martín |
22.12 | Primavera Pelosin | Water Oxidation Catalysis Using First Row Transition Metals | Prof. Antoni Llobet |
Postdoctoral researchers at ICIQ have an outstanding opportunity to develop their research careers in a collaborative and international environment. We believe in empowering postdoctoral researchers and strengthening their leadership skills. In 2020 we succeeded in obtaining six Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions – Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF) grants. Moreover, ICIQ benefited from one Beatriu de Pinós (AGAUR) and one postdoctoral grant from the COFOUND programme ICIQ Impulse for Talented Postdoctoral Fellows.
We participated in two Master programmes. The URV/ICIQ Master in Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design provides scientific training in the design of new methods of synthesis, development of catalysts, computational design and management of environmentally friendly chemical processes. The Master also focuses on providing the skills needed to address research and development tasks and innovative activities in the industry. Eleven ICIQ Master students were awarded one of the institute’s master projects fellowships. 13 students enrolled in this master thanks to the ICIQ master research projects grants.
We also participated in the Master of Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences (BIST-UPF), which provides in-depth hands-on research training in multiple fields. Students undertake a 6-month major project and a 10-week minor project in two different research disciplines in different BIST centers. Two ICIQ students obtained grants to pursue the BIST-UPF master programme.

ICIQ Summer Internship Programme, which is sponsored by Fundació Bancària La Caixa, brings together outstanding undergraduate students who make the most of their Summer holidays by working in one of ICIQ’s research groups during the months of July, August, and September. In 2020, due to COVID-19 pandemic, we had to cancel this programme. Instead, we had nine undergraduate students who did short internships in different research groups throughout the year.
Transferable Skills Courses
How to be an effective researcher | New PhD students | Enhance the effectiveness of postgraduate researchers by providing them with an opportunity to build their understanding, skills and confidence in communication, planning and time management, problem solving, leadership and assertiveness. Help researchers to have a greater self-awareness of learning and working styles. | ICIQ- Vitae - BIST |
Chemical Reactions Technologies | ICIQ researchers | The aim of the workshop is to give support to users of the Chemical Reactions Technologies unit | Internal (Marta Giménez, CRTU) |
IP Management at ICIQ | ICIQ researchers | Introduce the existing forms of IP titles and the way IP is managed at ICIQ. | Internal (Fred Ratel, IP unit) |
more info
Leadership in Action | Postdoctoral researchers | This workshop allows researchers to explore and develop their leadership skills. Participants have the opportunity to look at relevant theory, to practice their unique leadership styles and to receive feedback. | CRAC VITAE-BIST |
RSA general overview | New researchers | Regular sessions for new researchers about ICIQ instrumentation facilities. | Internal (Gisela Colet, RSA) |
Alternatives to Helium as carrier gas GC | ICIQ researchers | Agilent Technologies | |
How to survive a PhD | New PhD students | Enhance the effectiveness of the new PhD students by providing them with an opportunity to improve the following skills: communication, teambuilding, conflict resolution, time management, project management, and creativity. | Internal (HR Unit) |
From science to business | BIST researchers | Provide researchers with the tools to launch a new business exploiting scientific or technical knowledge. | ESADE - BIST |
Leadership and management skills for senior PI | Group leaders | Aimint at improve the communication, collaboration and leadership skills; at provide useful tools for balancing the roles of manager, leader, scientist; conflict resolution. and negotiation; acquire skills in order to make and communicate hard decisions; and analyze how to actively shape the culture of science at their institution. | HFP Consulting - BIST |
High Throughput Experimentation Workshop | ICIQ researchers | Internal (Xisco Caldentey, HTE lab) | |
Safety measures in thermal processes | ICIQ researchers | Massó Analítica |