ICIQ is very active in seeking funding from competitive research projects of the Catalan, Spanish and European administrations. We also make a great effort in securing economic resources from industrial collaborations. Our goal is to decrease the contribution of non-competitive public funding in our budget.
Moreover, participation in research projects promotes scientific collaboration with research groups and companies at the international level. It also allows us to address scientific challenges that would not be possible to carry out individually.

Projects awarded in 2020

Project Title | Type | Institution | Import (€) | PI |
Light assisted solar fuel production by artificial CO2 Reduction and water Oxidation (951843-LICROX) | FETPROACT | Comissió Europea | 631.937 | A. Llobet |
COmbined suN-Driven Oxidation and CO2 Reduction for renewable energy storage (101006839 – CONDOR) | LC-RES-1 | Comissió Europea | 448.118 | A. Llobet |
Escaping from Flatland by “de novo” Catalytic Decarboxylation Techniques (883756 – NOVOFLAT) | ERC AdG | Comissió Europea | 2.5000.000 | R. Martin |
Innovative photocatalysts integrated in flow photoreactor systems for direct CO2 and H2O conversion into solar fuels (101022202 – NEFERTITI) | LC-SC3 | Comissió Europea | 363.750 | E. Palomares |
Catalytic methods based on gold or other electrophilic metals (PID2019- 104815GB-100 – CATMETGOLD) | Proyectos I+D Generación Conocimiento | MICIN | 399.300 | A.M. Echavarren |
New carbyne transfer catalysis in organic chemistry (PID2019- 104101GB-100 – CARBYNOID) | Proyectos I+D Generación Conocimiento | MICIN | 145.200 | M.G. Suero |
Development of Molecular Catalysts Relevant for Solar Fuels Generation (PID2019-111617RB-100 – CatFuel) | Proyectos I+D Retos | MICIN | 254.100 | A. llobet |
Development of new catalysts for oxidation and reduction chemistry in the context of Artificial Photosynthesis (PID2019-110050RB-100 – AP2Chem) | Proyectos I+D Retos | MICIN | 169.400 | J. Lloret-Fillol |
New Synthetic Methods Enabled by the Photochemistry of Organic Molecules and Their Use in Drug Discovery and Bioconjugation (PID2019-106278GB- 100 – PHOTO-N-TOOLS) | Proyectos I+D Retos | MICIN | 254.100 | P. Melchiorre |
Integration of molecular solar cells and electrocatalysis for CO2 reduction (PID2019-109389RB-100 – INTEGRA2) | Proyectos I+D Retos | MICIN | 254.100 | E. Palomares |
Contributions to Catalysis towards Sustainable Chemical Production (PID2019-109236RB-100 – CATCHEMPRO) | Proyectos I+D Retos | MICIN | 229.900 | M.A. Pericàs |
Strategies for the Catalytic Transformation of Plastic Waste Into Valuable Building Blocks (EIN2020- 112336 – PLASTICTURNOVER) | Europa Ivestigación | MICIN | 15.000 | J. Lloret-Fillol |
Training Network in Innovative CO2 Transformations and Valorization Route (EIN2020-112346 – Carbon MonoPoly) | Europa Investigación | MICIN | 14.982 | A. Kleij |
Continuous Improvement: Lean Projects Department (ECT2020-000695 – LEANICIQ) | Redes y Gestores | MICIN | 204.556 | L. Tomás |
Ongoing Projects in 2020

EC Funding
Project Title | Type | Amount(€) | PI |
Bioinspired Catalytic Metallofoldamers (835080-Foldmetcat) | ERC AdG | 2.500.000 | A. M. Echavarren |
Escaping from Flatland by “de novo” Catalytic Decarboxylation Techniques (883756 – NOVOFLAT) | ERC AdG | 2.5000.000 | R. Martin |
Engineering Bio-inspired Systems for the Conversion of Solar Energy to Hydrogen (805524-BioInspired_SolarH2) | ERC StG | 1.500.000 | E. Romero |
Towards a Greener Reduction Chemistry by Using Cobalt Coordination Complexes as Catalysts and Light-driven Water Reduction as a Source of Reductive Equivalents (648304-GREENLIGHT_REDCAT) | ERC CoG | 1.999.063 | J. Lloret-Fillol |
Light-Driven Asymmetric Organocatalysis (681840-CATALUX) | ERC CoG | 2.000.000 | P. Melchiorre |
New carbon reactivity rules for molecular editing (865554 – CARBYNE) | ERC CoG | 2.000.000 | M.G. Suero |
A new platform technology for the on-demand access to large acenes (837225 – PLAT_ACE) | ERC PoC | 150.000 | A.M. Echavarren |
Visible Light-Activated Photoinitiators for Applications in Domestic Coatings (860132 – LIGHTCOAT) | ERC PoC | 150.000 | P. Melchiorre |
Enabling technologies and drug discovery: continuous flow processes to discover novel antiviral inhibitors (766058-VIRO-FLOW) | MSCA-ITN | 743.618,88 | M. A. Pericàs |
Electrochemical Conversion of Renewable Electricity into Fuels and Chemicals (722614-ELCOREL) | MSCA-ITN | 495.746 | N. López |
Entrepreneuring Dynamic Self-organized Interfaces in Photocatalysis: A Multidisciplinary Training Network Converting Light into Products (722591-PHOTOTRAIN) | MSCA-ITN | 495.745,92 | P. Melchiorre |
Network of Functional Molecular Containers with Controlled Switchable Abilities (765297-NOAH) | MSCA-ITN | 495.745,92 | P. Ballester |
European School on Artificial Leaf: Electrodes Devices (765376-eSCALED) | MSCA-ITN | 151.477,92 | A. Llobet |
Training the next generation of scientists in solar chemicals for a sustainable Europe by hybrid molecule/semiconductor devices (861151 – SOLAR2CHEM) | MSCA-ITN | 250.904 | N. López |
Cooperation towards a sustainable chemical industry (859910 – CO2PERATE) | MSCA-ITN | 501.809 | R. Martin |
An Artificial Leaf: a photo-electro-catalytic cell from earth-abundant materials for sustainable solar production of CO2-based chemicals and fuels (732840-A-LEAF) | FET-Proactive | 879.712,5 | J. R. Galán-Mascarós / N. López / J. Lloret-Fillol |
Inhalable Aerosol Light Source for Controlling Drug-Resustant Bacterial Lung Infections (863102-Light4Lungs) | FET-OPEN | 372.500 | E. Palomares |
Solar Energy for a Circular Economy (816336 – SUNRISE) | FET Flagship | 87.000 | A. Llobet |
Light assisted solar fuel production by artificial CO2 Reduction and water Oxidation (951843 – LICROX) | FETPROAC T | 631.937 | A. Llobet |
Critical Raw Materials Elimination by a Topdown Approach To Hydrogen and Electricity Generation (721065-CREATE) | NMBP | 350.625 | J.R. Galán-Mascarós |
Pilot Plant Production of Controlled doped Nanoporous Carbonaceous Materials for Energy and Catalysis Applications (686163- POROUS4APP) | NMBP | 334.707 | N. López |
DistributEd Chemicals And fuels production from CO2 in photoelectrocatalytic Devices (862030 – DECADE) | NMBP | 538.937 | J.R. Galán-Mascarós/E. Palomares |
Heterogenous Photo(electro)catalysis in Flow using Concentrated Light: modular integrated designs for the production of useful chemicals (862453 – FlowPhotoChem) | NMBP | 492.500 | N. López |
Novel photo-assisted systems for direct Solardriven redUctioN of CO2 to energy rich CHEMicals (884444 – SUN2CHEM) | LC-SC3 | 323.750 | J.R. Galán-Mascarós |
COmbined suN-Driven Oxidation and CO2 Reduction for renewable energy storage (101006839 - CONDOR) | LC-RES | 448.118 | A. Llobet |
MICIN Funding
Project title | Type | Amount (€) | PI |
Advanced electrophilic catalysts for the synthesis of complex systems (CTQ2016-75960-P) | I+D-Excelencia | 440.440 | A. M. Echavarren |
Stereo and Enantioselective Valorization of Functional Heterocycles (CTQ2017-88920-P) | I+D-Excelencia | 154.880 | A. Kleij |
New Reactivity Concepts for Small Molecule Asymmetric Activations by means of Photoredox and Metal Catalysis (CTQ2016-75311-P) | I+D-Excelencia | 84.700 | M. García-Suero |
Photochemical Enantioselective Organic Catalysis: Making Biologically Relevant Chiral Molecules with Light (CTQ2016-75520-P) | I+D-Excelencia | 254.100 | P. Melchiorre |
Molecular and supramolecular containers based on aryl-extended and super-aryl-extended calix[4]pyroles: fundamental studies and applications (CTQ2017-84319-P) | I+D-Excelencia | 194.810 | P. Ballester |
Charge transfer on hybrid photovoltaic devices: semiconductor nanocrystals/organic semiconductor molecule (CTQ2016-80042-R) | I+D-Retos | 166.980 | E. Palomares |
Single electron transfer and statistical treatments in computational homogeneous catalysis (CTQ2017-87792-R) | I+D-Retos | 127.050 | F. Maseras |
Light-driven Reductive Chemistry for Solar-Fuels and Solar-Chemicals (CTQ2016-80038-R) | I+D-Retos | 84.700 | J. Lloret-Fillol |
Diseño de sistemas de oxidación basados en haluros para la formación de enlaces C-N (CTQ2017-88496-R) | I+D-Retos | 257.730 | K. Muñiz |
Robust Immobilized Catalytic Systems for the Sustainable Production of High Added-Value Chemicals (CTQ2015-69136-R) | I+D-Retos | 326.700 | M. A. Pericàs |
Alternatives to Traditional Cross-coupling Reactions to Promote CC Bond Formation: Investigation of Bimetallic Systems and Cobalt Catalysis (CTQ2016-79942-P) | I+D-Retos | 84.700 | M. H. Pérez-Temprano |
Molecular Catalysts for Water Splitting with Sunlight (CTQ2016-80058-R) | I+D-Retos | 272.250 | A. Llobet |
Computational chemistry to tackle complex reactivity (CTQ2017-88777-R) | I+D-Retos | 94.380 | C. Bo |
Smart Continuous Flow Systems using 3D printed catalysts (CTQ2017-92773-EXP – CATCH3D) | Explora | 30.250 | M.A. Pericàs |
Simulations of Materials with applications in Energy and Catalysis (RTI2018-101394-B-I00) | I+D-Retos | 217.000 | : López |
Novel (photo)electrochemical strategies for the transformation of renewable energy sources into sustainable energy vectors (RTI2018-095618-B-I00) | I+D-Retos | 242.000 | J.R. Galán-Mascarós |
Nickel-catalyzed bond-forming reactions with native functional groups (PGC2018-096839-B-100-NICK-BOND) | I+D Generación de Conocimiento | 363.000 | R.Martin |
Small molecule activation: Sustainable reactions design and development based on fundamental knowledge (EIN2019-103147- SMACT) | Europa Investigación | 3.680 | M. H. Pérez- Temprano |
Harnessing Nature’s Pharmacy via Flow-Chemistry To discover Novel antibiotics against multi-drug resistant bacteria (EIN2019-103513- Flow2Biotics) | Europa Investigación | 7.340 | M.A. Pericàs |
New Carbon Reactivity Rules (EUR2019-103814-CARBYNE) | Europa Excelencia-CoG | 75.000 | M.G. Suero |
Time resolved spectroscopy integral system (EQC2018-005188-P) | ECT | 127.922,5 | E. Palomares |
Solid State Characterization with Powder Diffraction (EQC2018-005121-P) | ECT | 175.000 | J. Benet |
Renewal of the 500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance equipment (EQC2018-004793-P) | ECT | 220.375 | M. A. Pericàs |
Catalytic methods based on gold or other electrophilic metals (PID2019-104815GB-100 – CATMETGOLD) | I+D-Generación Conocimiento | 399.300 | A.M. Echavarren |
New carbyne transfer catalysis in organic chemistry (PID2019-104101GB-100 – CARBYNOID) | I+D-Generación Conocimiento | 145.200 | M.G. Suero |
Training Network in Innovative CO2 Transformations and Valorization Route (EIN2020-112346 – Carbon MonoPoly) | Europa Investigación | 14.982 | A. Kleij |
Development of Molecular Catalysts Relevant for Solar Fuels Generation (PID2019-111617RB-100 – CatFuel) | I+D – Retos | 254.100 | A. Llobet |
Development of new catalysts for oxidation and reduction chemistry in the context of Artificial Photosynthesis (PID2019-110050RB-100 – AP2Chem) | I+D – Retos | 169.400 | J. Lloret-Fillol |
Strategies for the Catalytic Transformation of Plastic Waste Into Valuable Building Blocks (EIN2020-112336 – PLASTICTURNOVER) | Europa Investigación | 15.000 | J. Lloret-Fillol |
New Synthetic Methods Enabled by the Photochemistry of Organic Molecules and Their Use in Drug Discovery and Bioconjugation (PID2019-106278GB-100 – PHOTO-N-TOOLS) | I+D-Generación Conocimiento | 254.100 | P. Melchiorre |
Integration of molecular solar cells and electrocatalysis for CO2 reduction (PID2019-109389RB-100 – INTEGRA2) | I+D – Retos | 254.100 | E. Palomares |
Contributions to Catalysis towards Sustainable Chemical Production (PID2019-109236RB-100 – CATCHEMPRO) | I+D – Retos | 229.900 | M.A. Pericàs |
AGAUR Funding
Project Title | Amount (€) | Oeriod | PI |
Química Organometàl·lica en Síntesi Orgànica (2017SGR1257) | 65.896 | 2017-20 | A. M. Echavarren |
Research Group Kleij (2017SGR232) | 44.480 | 2017-20 | A. Kleij |
Urakawa research group (2017SGR1634) | 36.000 | 2017-20 | A. Urakawa |
Grup de recerca en materials i dispositius optoelectrònics (2017SGR978) | 44.480 | 2017-20 | E. Palomares |
Galán-Mascarós Research Group (2017SGR1407) | 44.480 | 2017-20 | J. R. Galán-Mascarós |
Lloret-Fillol Research Group (2017SGR1647) | 22.240 | 2017-20 | J. Lloret-Fillol |
Theoretical Heterogeneous Catalysis Group (2017SGR90) | 44.480 | 2017-20 | N. López |
Melchiorre Research Group (2017SGR982) | 44.480 | 2017-20 | P. Melchiorre |
Química supramolecular interdisciplinar (2017SGR1123) | 44.480 | 2017-20 | P. Ballester |
Grup d'activació catalítica d'enllaços inerts (2017SGR939-CATINERT) | 44.480 | 2017-20 | R. Martín |
Pericàs Research Group (2017SGR1139) | 19.000 | 2018-20 | M. A. Pericàs |
Maseras Research Group (2017SGR290) | 20.000 | 2018-20 | F. Maseras |
Grup de catalisis redox (2017SGR1631-RED-CAT) | 44.480 | 2017-20 | A. Llobet |
Other funding institutions
Project title | Amount (€) | Period | PI |
Tecnologías Químicas para la Valorización de Residuos Industriales en los Pirineos (EFA308/19 – TRIPyr) | 205.521 | 01/05/2020 - 1/06/2022 | M.A. Pericàs / R.Martin / A. Kleij |
Síntesis de nuevos derivados antimaláricos a través de una nueva reacción de borilación | 40.000 | 01/09/2019-31/03/2021 (BBVA Foundation) | M.G. Suero |