Prof. Antoni Llobet

Group Leader:
Antoni Llobet
Administrative Support:
María José Gutiérrez
Postdoctoral Researchers:
Jan Holub / Marcos Gil / Vasilis Nikolaou
PhD Students:
Marta Ventosa / Navid Jameeimoghaddam /Martina Salati / Marco Nicaso / Primavera Pelosin (until Dec.) / Nataliia Vereshchuk (until Dec.)
Master Students:
Paula Tris
Visiting students:
Robin Dürr (until May) / Florian Dorchies (until July) / Marlene Hoefnagel (until Mar.)
The group of Prof. Llobet develops research in the field of redox catalysis using transition metal complexes for the oxidation and reduction of organic and inorganic substrates of technological interest. Its general objective is to understand the various factors that affect the efficiency and selectivity of the catalysts, paying special attention to the electronic structure and the spatial arrangement of the transition metals. The group focuses specifically on the catalytic oxidation of water to molecular dioxygen, taking into account the implications of this reaction for new energy conversion schemes based on artificial photosynthesis. The final objective is the generation of clean and renewable fuels with high energy density.
Efficient Electrochemical Water Oxidation by a Trinuclear Ru(bda) Macrocycle Immobilized on Multi‐Walled Carbon Nanotube Electrodes
Schindler, D.; Gil‐Sepulcre, M.; Lindner, J. O.; Stepanenko, V.; Moonshiram, D.; Llobet, A.; Würthner, F.
Adv. Energy Mater. 2020, 2002329
Water oxidation electrocatalysis using ruthenium coordination oligomers adsorbed on multiwalled carbon nanotubes
Hoque, A.; Gil-Sepulcre, M.; de Aguirre, A.; Elemans, J. A. A. W.; Moonshiram, D.; Matheu, R.; Shi, Y.; Benet-Buchholz, J.; Sala, X.; Malfois, M.; Solano, E.; Lim, J.; Garzón-Manjón, A.; Scheu, C.; Lanza, M.; Maseras, F.; Gimbert-Suriñach, C.; Llobet, A.
Nat. Chem. 2020, 12, 1060–1066
Redox Metal-Ligand Cooperativity Enables Robust and Efficient Water Oxidation Catalysis at Neutral pH with Macrocyclic Copper Complexes
Garrido-Barros, P.; Moonshiram, D.; Gil-Sepulcre, M.; Pelosin, P.; Gimbert-Suriñach, C.; Benet-Buchholz, J.; Llobet, A.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142 (41), 17434–17446
High Solar-to-Hydrogen Conversion Efficiency at pH 7 Based on a PV-EC Cell with an Oligomeric Molecular Anode
Shi, Y.; Hsieh, T. Y.; Hoque, A.; Cambarau, W.; Narbey, S.; Gimbert-Suriñach, C.; Palomares, E.; Lanza, M.; Llobet, A.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 55856−55864
A broad view at the complexity involved in water oxidation catalysis based on Ru-bpn complexes
Ghaderian, A.; Franke, A.; Gil-Sepulcre, M.; Benet-Buchholz, J.; Llobet, A.; Ivonic-Burmazovic, I.; Gimbert Suriñach, C.
Dalton Trans. 2020, 49, 17375
Analysis of the Active Species Responsible for Water Oxidation Using a Pentanuclear Fe Complex
Pelosin, P.; Gil-Sepulcre, M.; Garrido-Barros, P.; Moonshiram, D.; Benet-Buchholz, J.; Gimbert-Suriñach, C.; Llobet, A.
iscience 2020, 23 (8), 101378
Synthetic strategies to incorporate Ru-terpyridyl water oxidation catalysts into MOFs: direct synthesis vs. post-synthetic approach
Liseev, T.; Howe, A.; Hoque, A.; Gimbert Suriñach, C.; Llobet, A:; Ott, S.
Dalton Trans. 2020, 49, 13753
Nanocrystal–Molecular Hybrids for the Photocatalytic Oxidation of Water
Ventosa, M.; Oliveras, J.; Bastús, N. G.; Gimbert-Suriñach, C.; Puntes, V.; Llobet, A.
ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2020, 3 (10), 10008–10014
Effect of Ligand Chelation and Sacrificial Oxidant on the Integrity of Triazole-Based Carbene Iridium Water Oxidation Catalysts
Mazloomi, Z.; Margalef, J.; Gil-Sepulcre, M.; Romero, N.; Albrecht, M.; Llobet, A.; Sala, X.; Pàmies, O.; Diéguez, M.
Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59 (17), 12337–12347
Synthesis, Electrochemical Characterization, and Water Oxidation Chemistry of Ru Complexes Containing the 2,6-Pyridinedicarboxylato Ligand
Hoque, A.; Gil-Sepulcre, M.; Benet-Buchholz, J.; Llobet, A.; Gimbert-Suriñach, C.
Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59 (16), 11432–11441
A Ru-bda Complex with a Dangling Carboxylate Group: Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties
Ghaderian, A.; Holub, J.; Benet-Buchholz, J.; Llobet, A.; Gimbert-Suriñach, C.
Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59 (7), 4443-4452
Electrochemically and Photochemically Induced Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis with Co‐Tetraazamacrocycles Occur via Different Pathways
Grau, S.; Schilling, M.; Moonshiram, D.; Benet-Buchholz, J.; Luber, S.; Llobet, A.; Gimbert-Suriñach, C.
ChemSusChem 2020, 13 (10), 2745-2752
Second Coordination Sphere Effects in an Evolved Ru Complex Based on a Highly Adaptable Ligand Results in Rapid Water Oxidation Catalysis
Vereshchuk, N.; Matheu, R.; Benet-Buchholz, J.;Pipelier, M.; Lebreton, J.; Dubreuil, D.; Tessier, A.; Gimbert-Suriñach, C.; Ertem, M. Z.; Llobet, A.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142 (11), 5068-5077
COmbined suN-Driven Oxidation and CO2 Reduction for renewable energy storage
Collaborative Projects |Ref: 101006839 Web page
Light assisted solar fuel production by artificial CO2 reduction and water oxidation
Collaborative Projects | Ref: 951843 Web page
European School on Artificial Leaf: Electrodes Devices
MSCA ITN | Ref: 765376 Web page
Grup de Catàlisi Redox
AGAUR | Ref: 2017 SGR 1631
Catalizadores moleculares para la descomposición del agua por medio de la luz solar
Ministerio | Ref: CTQ2016-80058-R
Theses Supervised
Abolfazi Ghaderian
January 24th, 2020
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
“Ruthenium Complexes as Molecular Water Oxidation Catalysts”
Primavera Pelosin
December 22nd, 2020
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
“Water Oxidation Catalysis Using First Row Transition Metals”
Oligomeric materials to enhance water splitting
LICROX project funded with M3€ to convert sunlight into chemical energy