Spectroscopy and Material Characterization Unit
Unit Manager
Dr. Georgiana Stoica
Unit Technician
Mariona Urtasun
This was a new unit created after merging the Material Characterization and the Spectroscopy and Kinetics units.
Number of Experiments per Instrument
![Mat Charac experiments](https://asr2020.iciq.es/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Mat-Charac-experiments.png)
Spectroscopy instrumentation
A new detector in the CD spectrometer was installed, which offers the following advantages:
- Increased sensitivity
- Wider exploration range
- Lower baseline noise
- Increased accuracy in absorbance
- Multichannel acquisition
![Spectroscopy 2](https://asr2020.iciq.es/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Spectroscopy-2.png)